Carrot, Zucchini, Oatmeal Muffins

Devi Breakfasts

A great breakfast that can be individually wrapped and frozen for a quick grab and go breakfast. Also a great meal to bring to a brunch. To make gluten free, use gluten free flour. I used 1.5 cups oat flour and 1/2 cup quinoa flour. I used 1 Tb ground flax + 3 Tb water for the eggs. I use 1 cup fresh blueberries when in season.

Why does this healthy eating thing have to be so hard?

Being a health coach is definitely an advantage when I go to work at the doctors office.  It’s not that they all eat healthy there because they don’t.  Snacks and goodies are brought to the office all the time either by the office staff, the patients or by the drug reps that come in.  So eating healthy there isn’t necessarily the norm. …