The Problem of Pollen

For many, seasonal allergies (also called allergic rhinitis) is a yearly battle. This inflammatory response “affects 5.2 million of the children population and 19.2 million of the adult population,” according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). The AAFA also states that, “types of indoor and outdoor allergies include sinus swelling, seasonal and returning allergies, hay fever and …

Relaxing Even When the Stress Remains

While the stress might not go away, we are able to influence our bodies to switch over from the stressed out sympathetic state to the relaxed parasympathetic nervous system state. These intricate communication networks help maintain and regulate your body function. When you’re under stress (like imagine you’re that lifeguard hustling to save a person), your flight-or-flight (sympathetic) response ups …