Lifestyle Changes: Finding the Healthy You

I am having a class all about health and wellness concepts starting Wednesday, Jan. 8.

Join me for a six-week series Lifestyle Changes: Finding the Healthy You

Each week, we’ll meet and learn about a specific aspect of health and wellness. The time will start with a 30-minute video from Alzheimer’s — The Science of Prevention. Next, we’ll …

  • Hear from local experts and gather more useful tips on health, fitness, organization, environmental factors, and more
  • Learn about and introduce doable changes into your life
  • Find support and share your progress with others in person and through the online Facebook group

This six-week series starts Wednesday, Jan. 8 and runs from 6 to 7:30 pm. We will meet at 1400 NE 48th Ave in Hillsboro. The cost is $175 and includes the six classes with local experts, access to the online community, and more. Sign up here.

Devi Moss
Functional Medicine Health Coach