What I Do

Nursing had always been an area of interest for Devi along with a passion to help people. After her B.S. in Biochemistry from PSU where she graduated on the Dean’s List, she started to work at an Internal Medicine Doctor office at St. Vincent Hospital. For 17 years she worked as a Medical Assistant and witnessed first-hand how sick our society really is.
Devi started reading everything she could on nutrition and health. She knew from her own experience with IBS and afflicted with constipation most of her adult life as well as discovering she had genetically high cholesterol that she was part of this epidemic. She refused any medications, and simply by changing the food she ate, soothed her IBS, got rid of her constipation as well as lowered her cholesterol from 250 to 150. She realized many diseases could be prevented or reversed with diet alone.
Devi developed a desire to help people learn to use food as medicine. She decided to go back to school and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition becoming a board certified holistic health coach. Her training, personal experience, and voracious appetite to always be learning more about food and its impact on health, lead her to start a health coaching business called Simply Whole by Devi.
Devi loves to guide people to change their eating habits to improve their health. She enjoys helping people with a variety of health issues including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and weight loss or those who just want to eat healthier. She is also experienced with gluten, soy and dairy free eating.

“Food is more than just calories; it affects every aspect of your body and health. I absolutely believe that eating whole foods and avoiding highly refined and processed foods can help you take control of your health. I love the quote by Dr. Hyman, ‘Food is medicine. In fact, what you put on your fork is more powerful than anything you will ever find in a pill bottle.’ “