Cooking as light exercise?

“Get your body moving the way it wants to get moving.”
Huffpost Living Canada released a short and informative video that pinpoints the modern problem of sedentary living. Our lifestyles, including our jobs, require too much still time. It’s not that we’re not productive … it’s that we’re not moving physically.

Dr. Alice Chen, who narrates the video, explains that while negative effects set in quickly, intentional movement sprinkled throughout the day can counter those effects. She wraps up by saying, “Get your body moving the way it wants to get moving.”

I love this statement! I’ve watched clients first hand benefit from adding natural movement into their lifestyle. Are you looking for ways to easily incorporate more mini exercise moments?

Get moving … get cooking!
Cooking can be an ideal time to move more … especially if you go old school! Instead of using that food processor, grab a good knife. Chop. Dice. Mince. Instead of that mixer, pick up a whisk. Instead of a bread maker, knead that dough by hand.

Don’t worry if you’re new to hands-on food prep. It’s a skill that you’ll refine. To help you learn, follow along with these how-to videos:rainbow

How to use a knife.

How to chop an onion.

How to cut butternut squash.

How to peel garlic cloves quickly.

Mix in even more movement!
Like cooking, there are other ways that can offer a similar benefit. For more inspiration, start with these three resources.

First, from, the “13 Everyday Activities That Burn More Than 200 Calories” slideshow offers practical ideas for finishing chores while enjoying some light exercise. Who doesn’t like to get two things done at once?!

Second, visit the Blue Zones website , which talks about the worldwide repeatable trends for living longer. Researchers noticed lifestyle habits within specific people groups that resulted in high-quality longevity. You’ll find helpful information on the website, including practical checklists.

Third, stuck at work?  Try exercising at your desk.  Here are 33 ways to do just that!  Taking mini exercise breaks at work really do add up!

Make movement a natural part of your lifestyle—including during food prep—and you’ll be healthier overall!  If you need more help moving your body, work with me at!