Can you hear that? It’s the internal banter about New Year’s resolutions. For 2019, you can do the traditional resolutions, or opt for more self discovery. Go for it! If you’re looking for some inspiration, please carve out time to read (or listen to) Girl, Wash Your Face!
I read the book in 2018, and I’m still uplifted. The author Rachel Hollis addresses common lies that we buy into—lies that impede good decisions and good actions and good goals. I loved her open, real, and kind approach to the horrible and the funny.
Here are a few helpful notes before you read the book.
There are some religious aspects. The author is writing mostly to and for women. She is also trying to give each reader a big-picture view of life. The book is less prescriptive and more perspective. She’s writing about her (and our) struggles and making them right.
If you’re needing a mental reboot for 2019, check out the book from the library. Grab the audio book and go for a walk. Borrow it from a friend.
Sometimes we gain more inspiration from hearing how others have broke through their own barriers. There are a lot of good books out there. Perhaps you have read some that you would like to share. I would love to hear what stories have strengthened or uplifted you!
I’ll leave you with a quote from the book’s introduction: “Every single section of this book begins with a lie that I believed, and what follows are the stories of how that particular lie held me back, hurt me, and in some cases, caused me to hurt others. But by admitting to these lies, I have taken their power away.”
Happy New Year to you and yours. And, as always, if you’re looking for support on a specific food-and-health New Year’s Resolution, give me a call.