Foods That Feed Your Body

When feeding your body proper nutrition, you are giving yourself self love!  Different foods can either harm or heal our bodies.   Nobody really wants to harm their body, but unknowingly we can eat the wrong foods that will cause ourselves problems.  Where do you start to put good nutrition into your body?  What might be considered the top, say …

Sorting Through Healthy Food Claims

I was sitting at my dining table the other day, glancing through some magazines while eating, when I turned the page of a health magazine. The title on that page made me stop and try to digest what it said. “10 Foods to Help You Live a Longer, Healthier life.” There on the page were pictures of Blueberries, Almonds, Apples, …

Healthy Tips for the Holiday Season

Wow, its almost Christmas!  And yes I have listened to my first Christmas song this day after Thanksgiving as my husband puts up the Christmas lights.  I do love Christmas, the lights, the gatherings, the baking, and the giving.  But with all that goes on to celebrate the season, we can over do it.  There is usually too much shopping …