Why Electrolytes Are Important

We’ve all seen numerous sports drink commercials. “Guzzle this drink. Have more energy. Replace your electrolytes,” they tout. But what’s the idea behind these claims? First, we need to know what electrolytes are and why they are important to our bodies. Second, we can determine what’s the best way to maintain our “electrolyte balance.” Electrolytes are minerals that help with …

From Growing Space Potatoes to Improving the Body. What is Red Light Therapy?

Once upon a time, an engineer designed a system for growing plants in space. This engineer, named Ron Ignatius, received funning from NASA to tackle this problem in the 1980s. This system helped grow potatoes on a 1995 space shuttle, but something interesting happened during the development of this plant-growing red light system. Quoting from, NASA Research Illuminates Medical Uses …

What is IBS?

The cramping, the bloating, the pain and gas, the constipation and/or diarrhea: these are common symptoms that describe irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As the Mayo Clinic describes, there is no specific test for diagnosing IBS; it is more of a collection of symptoms and previous health history, including ruling out any more serious conditions. This loose connection of symptoms (once …

Looking for practical encouragement when you’re blue

It can be just plain tough this time of year. It’s post-holidays. The evenings get dark quickly. And, for many of us, rain or snow dominates the forecast. Doctors’ offices even see more seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Because it is understandable that we might be feeling blue this time of year, it is a perfect time to talk through practical …

How About a New Year Habit?

It happens every year. People, ourselves included, are talking and planning for their new year, new plans, new resolutions. Some of these resolutions can be multi-step projects. Frankly, it’s too much and often too hard to keep up. How about doing a new year habit instead? It’s like a resolution but simple. Let’s break it down. Think of four categories: …