It happens every year. People, ourselves included, are talking and planning for their new year, new plans, new resolutions. Some of these resolutions can be multi-step projects. Frankly, it’s too much and often too hard to keep up. How about doing a new year habit instead? It’s like a resolution but simple. Let’s break it down. Think of four categories: …
What to Say? What to Plan?
Life is tough right now, isn’t it? I was mulling on the theme for this month’s blog, and asking myself, “What do people really want to read?” And let’s face it, who has time to read? Well, we’re all in challenging places right now; so I thought, let’s talk about it. Just this last week, I had a conversation with …
September Stress?
The school year is here. And with it comes the stress of getting into a new schedule. These transitions with their countless decisions can be overwhelming. So how can you de-stress these type of transitions? You Know Something is Coming. Be Proactive. There is something to say about doing a little planning, especially before an expected transition like the start …
Let’s talk more about the brain!
In June, we started talking about brain health and its connection to habits. Let’s expand on that idea … so do you think about your brain much? You should! The field of brain science and health is expanding every year. Not long ago, scientists believed that it was not possible to make new neurons. Now, we understand the brain more—and …
Why is everyone talking about habits?!
Books. Newspapers. Magazines. The discussion around habits keeps popping up. I decided to dive into another book on the topic, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. Usually, a book’s introduction is worth skipping, but here, you’ll find the reason for James’ journey, which started with a terrible freak …
Creating Habits and Making Them Stick
Watch Those Small Things Become Big Things Sometimes making new healthy habits can seem insurmountable. I know, I have made some changes in my life that I never thought possible. It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen, and that’s what’s important. An example is that I used to hate blueberries. Yes, crazy! But I grew up on a farm …