From Growing Space Potatoes to Improving the Body. What is Red Light Therapy?

Once upon a time, an engineer designed a system for growing plants in space. This engineer, named Ron Ignatius, received funning from NASA to tackle this problem in the 1980s. This system helped grow potatoes on a 1995 space shuttle, but something interesting happened during the development of this plant-growing red light system. Quoting from, NASA Research Illuminates Medical Uses …

Maximizing Mitochondria Energy

Looking for more energy? Most people are! Especially if we have kids!! Well, this odd-sounding structure — mitochondria — operates as an energy engine in your cells — but what exactly is the mitochondria and why should we care about it? The healthier our mitochondria, the more energy we have and healthier we are. We find a helpful definition from …

The No-Sleep Assumption!

Sleep is one of the most overlooked contributors to reduced productivity and increase depression and weight gain. Sleep also affects our ability to manage stress. As mentioned earlier, assumptions (when we suppose or act like something is true) can sabotage our health. Not Getting Enough Sleep Will Deteriorate Your Health Here are quick explanations for how lack of sleep affects …